Tanga lies in the Upper East Region of Ghana which is about 810 km (14hrs drive) away from the capital city Accra. It’s a farming community with its inhabitant engaging in peasant farming.
The total population of Tanga together with its adjourning villages is about 6898 which includes women and children. The health center serves all these residents considering its under resource condition.
The most predominate health issues treated at the facility center are as follows.
- Malaria
- Respiratory truck infection
- Skin infection
- Diarrhea
- Joint pains/rheumatism
- Typhoid
The facility can attend to 30 to 35 patients in a day.
The human resource managing the facility are as follows.
- Dr N/A
- Physician Assistance 1
- Midwives 2
- Registered Nurse 2
- Community Health Nurse 3
- Enrolled nurse 3
- Nutritionist 0
- Laboratory Technician 0
Should a patient require further medical attention, the person would have to be transported on either a motor bike or tricycles to the district hospital which is about 18 km away from the health center.
The center lacks a lot of medical supplies, and its infrastructure also needs renovation to improve on its reason for existence in the communities.
In December last year, You at Heart Foundation visited the community for a health screening project and hoping to attract donors to assist the facility.